Mounting Paper A4 Insert Duke Parchment

Stock Code. CXDPAHPKD0803
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Timecare Mounting Paper A4 Insert - Duke Pachment 225 x 308mm. 230gsm (pk25) Heritage Archival pHotokraft™ Paper 230 gsm cut sheets designed to fit inside Timecare polyester pockets and album pages. Items can be mounted on these sheet inserts to create an archive system diary or scrap book.
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Timecare Mounting Paper A4 Insert - Duke Pachment 225 x 308mm. 230gsm (pk25) Heritage Archival pHotokraft™ Paper 230 gsm cut sheets designed to fit inside Timecare polyester pockets and album pages. Items can be mounted on these sheet inserts to create an archive system diary or scrap book. Pages can be annotated and labelled. Specifications • Acid-free and Lignin-free (ASTM D1030/ISO 302) • pH7.5 to 9.5 (unbuffered 6.5 to 8.5) • BS2924 ISO 6588:1981 • Lightfast and bleed proof pigments - min 5 BlueWool Scale test (BS1006:97 & TAPPI T475) • Neutral AKD internal sizing, External Tub sized/starch • Buffered (average 3%) calcium carbonate (ISO 9706:2004) (Unbuffered, no calcium carbonate added) • High percentage Long Kraft fibres • Alpha Cellulose above 87% • Reducible Sulphur less than 0.8 parts per million (0.0008%) (TAPPI T406) • No added O.B.A’s • Passes Silver Tarnish Test (ASTM D2043) • Passes Photographic Activity Test (PAT) (ISO 18916)
Colour -1
Item Width (mm) 40
Certification Body N/A